Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thanksgiving Hats

We made Thanksgiving hats last Sunday.  It was two weeks after Thanksgiving, and our tree was already up.  It is not unusual for me to be late.  Just ask my friend Carrie.  I still have her baby gift upstairs.  Her little boy is 10 months old now.  I've probably seen her 25 times since he was born.  I keep telling her I have her gift upstairs, but I can never remember to give it to her.

Anyway, on to the hats!

This is what they looked like when we made them.  


The boys thought they were great, but soon gravity took over and the turkeys began to get floppy.  Here's a picture of Luke demonstrating the droopy turkeys.  


I tried to get a picture of both boys together, but I had a hard time getting them to pose.  In this picture they were behind the recliner goofing off.


I finally got them in front of the tree, but several of my pictures turned out like this:


And then I FINALLY got a decent picture.  


Can you tell Luke was tired of the flash going off?

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