Monday, April 27, 2009

Things I've heard...

Seth:  Mommy, you're made of sugar.  Men are made of rocks.

Luke:  Mommy, I tell you somefin.  You know Sef shoot me?  Like dat (pointing with his finger).  Otay?  Codfish.  I codfish.

Luke:  Hey, Old Man!  (He yelled this several times to the exterminator that came to get rid of some wasp nests for us.)

Luke:  I do it mysewf!  Luke do it!

Luke in the van:  Luke too loud.  Luke too loud.  Luke too loud.  Luke too loud.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Yesterday, we went to a friend's house for lunch.  We were there for about an hour, and the kids had a great time playing with their cat.  Seth is allergic to cats.  He takes zyrtec and rhinocort on a daily basis and also has prescription eye drops.  When we got home from visiting our friends, I gave him eye drops and then I took his picture.  


Then I gave him a dose of benedryl and a bath.  We stayed inside the rest of the day in hopes of subduing his allergies.  His eye was almost back to normal this morning.

Luke wanted me to take his picture, too, so here he is:  (He just finished eating an oreo and had crumbs on his face.  Enjoy the cuteness.)


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Busy Day

The boys and I spent the morning cleaning weeds out of our flower beds. 



We also found a few worms, which was the highlight of Seth's day.  


Meanwhile, Jesse recruited Chris to help him unload our new playset for the backyard.


Assembly will begin tomorrow afternoon.  

Seth Lost a Tooth!

So we were eating at Olive Garden, and I noticed Seth was trying to get Jesse's attention.  His lip looked bloody and he was holding something in his hand.  I realized what had happened and I jumped up and took him to the bathroom so we could wash him off.  There was blood all over the sink and I thought I was going to get sick, but I tried to be strong, and I survived.  I thought it came out while he was eating a breadstick, but he told me he pulled it and it just came right out. 

He is very proud.
