Monday, August 13, 2007

Catching up...

I have a stack of post-its on my desk of things I've been meaning to blog, so I'm going to do them all in this one post. Here we go:

Chyleen and her kids were visiting in June. Her kids were in the basement and the rest of us were upstairs. Matthew came upstairs to tell us Ashleigh fell off the bed and was crying. Then Ashleigh came up and the story unfolded. Apparently all of the kids were jumping on the bed. Ashleigh fell off. Then Seth said, "That's why no monkeys should jump on the bed." (It doesn't seem as funny now that I'm writing it down, but at the time it was quite hilarious.)

Seth was looking for a snack in the pantry. He spotted the bag of marshmallows and asked if he could have some. I asked him if they were junk food or if they were healthy. He said, "They're junk food. May I please have some?" He asked in such a nice tone of voice, I really couldn't say no. Thinking I'd be funny, I said, "Do I look like someone who would refuse a request like that?" He immediatley replied, "No, you look like the lady who's going to give me marshmallows."

We went grocery shopping and I needed hamburger meat. I don't buy it often, so its not something Seth is used to seeing. While I was looking for the leanest stuff I could find, Seth said, "Oh, Mommy! Can we take these worms home?" I was a little confused until I realized that hamburger meat does in fact look a bit like worms.

Seth is doing really well with his reading lessons. He continues to impress me by reading words the fast way when the book says the child should be reading them the slow way. Sometimes, though, he gets distracted, and likes to make jokes. The other day, I asked him to read a word. He tapped his finger on his chin and said, "Hmmm. Let's zoom in for a closer look." Then he planted his face right into his book. I thought I was going to bust a gut laughing.

I think that catches me up on blogs for Seth, so now I'll talk about Luke. What can I say? He is the cutest baby ever. He started pulling up this week. He is quite proud of his new trick. (He actually first did it while I was at physical therapy, and I wasn't here to see it! He did it three times while I was gone. Jesse told me about it when I got home, and then he wouldn't do it for me.) It won't be long until he'll be cruising. He will walk if Jesse holds his hands, but he won't do it for me. He tends to do his toddler stuff only for Jesse. Thats okay, though. I can't stand the thought of him not being a baby anymore. There are certain things he only does for me. Like when I pick him up from the nursery at church, he cries when I walk in the room and won't stop until I pick him up. He also prefers me over anyone else when he's tired. If someone else has him, he will cry for me to come get him. That's enough to make a mama warm on the inside.

Yesterday, Luke crawled under his exersaucer. I thought it was really cute, so I got the camera and took some really cute pictures. Then I realized he was stuck. Once he got in it, he sat up, so his head went through the seat part. In order to get him out, I had to push his bottom backwards and bend him forward. I needed five hands to do it, but I finally got him out.


Luke also loves the bathroom. Anytime he hears the door the open, he makes a beeline for the toilet. Know what he wants to do in the bathroom? He wants to pull the cap off of the screw at the base of the toilet. I have a 4 year old that doesn't have the best aim when he needs to pee. Ick. We're making special effort to keep the bathroom door closed at all times.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

First Day of School!

Seth has been begging me to start school, so I've been busy getting all of my books and supplies together. This year we are doing Handwriting Without Tears (Pre-K), Teach your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons (we're already on lesson 34), and we'll be working out of some resource guides that I found that have art lessons and activities based on children's popular picture books. We also have an ant farm, beetle farm, and a butterfly canopy that we will fill throughout the year.

This morning we went outside and took our "First Day of School" picture. Then we went for a nature walk. 

We heard a bird in the woods and I asked Seth if he knew what kind it was. He said he thought it was a pelican (we watched Nemo yesterday). Then we found a tree that looked like it had been sawed down. I asked Seth what he thought happened to it and he said a Beaver ate it.


Then we found some ants.

 Seth stomped a few of them and then rode his scooter through the ant pile. We also saw some butterflies and some black dragon flies that I thought were really cool, but they were too fast for me to take their picture.


Seth's new game

Seth and I had a great time playing in the pool this afternoon. When it was time to get out, Seth was standing in front of the door and I was trying to give his towel to him. He started taking his bathing suit off, so I asked him if he needed to pee. He said, "No, I just want to play Geo Court." After he stripped, he took off running through the back yard. I was shocked and didn't know quite what to do, so I started chasing him with the towel. It really was quite funny and we were both laughing, even though I didn't like his new game. I finally told him a mosquito was going to bite his butt if he didn't put his towel on, so he went to the back door and let me put the towel on him. As I was putting the towel around him, he peed on my foot.