Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I haven't blogged in a really long time.  I have an excuse.  I wanted to put a video up from Christmas day, but I've been having issues with youtube and haven't been able to do it yet.  I'm trying to blog chronologically, and I didn't want to skip Christmas.  I only have a few other things to blog about, so maybe I'll get caught up before February.  Luke is now getting up at 5:30 in the morning instead of the 7:00 that I've been used to for so long.  I pretty much go to bed when the kids go to bed (this is probably the real reason that I haven't posted in a while).  If I can stay awake tonight, I might end up blogging about our trip to Summerville, so stay tuned!  We have some fun pictures from our trip to Bee City with my parents.  Hopefully I'll be able to get them uploaded soon, so that I can blog tonight before I need to go to bed.

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