Thursday, August 7, 2008

Fashion Statements at Wal-Mart

Luke can't stand to pass the greeter at Wal-Mart without asking for a sticker.  He and Seth both get one, and within a few aisles into our shopping excursion, he puts his sticker on me.  Then he gets Seth's sticker and wears it for a few seconds, and then puts that one on me, too.  I try to give it back to him, but he insists that I wear it.  If it falls off, he cries.  Seth dutifully retrieves it from the floor and hands it back to him.  Then he puts it back on me.  I usually leave the store with two stickers on the front of my shirt.  I'm sure I look pretty trendy.  Other adults try to hide their jealous stares as we pass them, but they simply can't control themselves.  I know they wish they had stickers, too.

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