Tuesday, September 25, 2007

He's Bilingual!

Everyone likes to think that their kids are smarter than everyone else's kids, but my kid really is smart. I have absolutely no idea where he learned another language, but he sang an entire song to me in Spanish. It all started this morning when we were watching PlayHouse Disney. They showed a video of "My Friends Tigger and Pooh" and it was the Spanish version in honor of Latino Celebration Month. Later, Seth told me he wanted to sing a song to me in Spanish. I was quite impressed as he sang the entire song in another language. It went something like this:
Da doo dadda wadeoa Dadee wadeoa badebba!
Ma fa dooby dadda beedoo bippy flala ree roo!

When he finished, he had a huge grin because he knew that he was something special. I'm so proud of my little Einstein!

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