Monday, July 21, 2008

Phone Fiasco

Last Tuesday I took the kids to the library.  Luke got my phone out of my diaper bag and started playing with it.  I took it from him and put it back in my bag.  That night I was going to charge my phone, but of course it wasn't in my bag.  Wednesday morning I went back to the library to look for it.  I couldn't find it anywhere and the librarians had not seen it.  We searched through the racks of board books where Luke had been playing, but it just wasn't there.  I knew the battery should've died Tuesday night, so someone would hear it beeping if it was there, so I figured it was just gone.  I called the phone company to have them suspend my account.

Jesse came home from work today and presented my phone to me.  There was much rejoicing throughout the house!  I didn't realize how much I actually missed my phone until I saw it again.  He told me one of the librarians called him.  They had tried calling the "home" number in my phone's address book, but we changed our number a few weeks ago and I didn't update it.  They called Jesse, since he had the same last name, and he picked it up on his way home.  Librarians Rock!


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