Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Songs in the Pilot

We saw a rainbow while we were driving home after running errands.  Both of the boys were really excited.  Luke grunted and pointed and Seth was beside himself with wonderment.  He said, "Hey, we should sing a song about rainbows!"  I said, "OK, what do you want to sing?"  My selection of rainbow songs is limited, and the only one that came to mind was the one that Kermit the Frog sings (The Rainbow Connection).  I was trying to remember the words when Seth started singing, "Take a look!  Its in a book!  The Reading Rainbow!  Reading Rainbow!  Reading Rainbow!"  Jesse and I couldn't contain our laughter, but we sang with him the rest of the way home anyway.  Good times.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Phone Fiasco

Last Tuesday I took the kids to the library.  Luke got my phone out of my diaper bag and started playing with it.  I took it from him and put it back in my bag.  That night I was going to charge my phone, but of course it wasn't in my bag.  Wednesday morning I went back to the library to look for it.  I couldn't find it anywhere and the librarians had not seen it.  We searched through the racks of board books where Luke had been playing, but it just wasn't there.  I knew the battery should've died Tuesday night, so someone would hear it beeping if it was there, so I figured it was just gone.  I called the phone company to have them suspend my account.

Jesse came home from work today and presented my phone to me.  There was much rejoicing throughout the house!  I didn't realize how much I actually missed my phone until I saw it again.  He told me one of the librarians called him.  They had tried calling the "home" number in my phone's address book, but we changed our number a few weeks ago and I didn't update it.  They called Jesse, since he had the same last name, and he picked it up on his way home.  Librarians Rock!


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Seth needs a hobby.

The only thing he has been talking about for the past few days is building his own WallE and Eve.  He is driving me NUTS!  I can't seem to get him to understand that we don't have parts laying around the house to build our own robots.  We did see a few kits online, though, so he's probably going to get one for Christmas.  

Today he decided he wants to build a treehouse, and he *has* to have it finished before Daddy gets home so he can surprise him.  We don't have a tree big enough for a tree house, nor do we have wood.  I think he really needs a big project to work on.  

Okay, so we decided to buy him a Lego robot that he can put together.  It was a wonderful investment that helped save my sanity.  


The first robot he built had a grasper claw and could pick things up.  


Jesse helped him program it.


Then he built the scorpion.   It actually attacks things with its stinger, but it doesn't hurt.  


Can you tell how proud he is?

Monday, July 14, 2008

Body Parts

Seth has been watching School House Rock and learning lots of great things.  Some of the episodes are about body parts, so he has been drawing diagrams of the body and telling me all about it.  Today he drew a picture and said, "This is your spinal cord.  It is connected to your blow hole."   I asked him to show me my blowhole on the diagram.  He told me he couldn't because its one of the body parts we're not suppose to talk about. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Seth is napping.

He hasn't napped since he was 3 1/2.  I knew something was up when he had an emotional breakdown at Walmart today.  It wasn't a fit or tantrum, but more of a woe is me, Mommy won't by me a laser gun.  I put him in his room an hour ago when I put Luke down, and I haven't heard a thing from him.  I just went to check on him so we can do some school, and he's wrapped up under his covers snoozing away.  I really hope he isn't getting sick.  Jesse was running a fever last week and was sick for days.  With both kids down, I don't know what to do with myself.  I need to clean the kitchen before ladies' night tonight, but I'm too enticed to spend alone time with my computer...

Friday, July 4, 2008

Prayer Time

After reading our books tonight, I told Seth it was time to pray. He said, "Okay," and then he closed his eyes and said, "Once upon a time...Hey, Mommy? I'm going to tell God a story fist and then I'll pray. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Charlotte Johnson (then he began to sing) *and she sure is looking good! I had to go and see her, so I called her on the phone, walked over to her house and this was going on: her brother was on the sofa eatin chocolate pie, her momma was in the kitchen cuttin chicken up to fry, her daddy was in the back yard foldin up the garden hose, I was on the porch with Charlotte singing look down to my toes and we were swingin, swingin, yes we were swingin, swingin! God, help me to be nice and not mean. Amen."