I went to his room thinking he lost his paci. I was WRONG! He was sitting in a pool of vomit (don't worry, I didn't have my camera with me, so I won't post any pictures from the event). I got him cleaned and then I cleaned his bed while Jesse held him. He cried the entire time (Luke, not Jesse). It was absolutely pitiful. Jesse sat with him until about 3, and then put him back in the bed to have him immediately start vomiting again. I was still doing laundry and heard him start up, so I ran to his room. Jesse handed him to me and I got thrown up on. I was still a little queasy from the stuff I cleaned out of his bed, but fortunately, I made it through and was able to clean him up again. I sat with him for about 10 minutes and then put him back in the bed. At 4am, I heard him cry again and I ran to his room, grabbed him out of his bed and ran to the bathroom with him. This time, he was only dry heaving, but a little drool and other tidbits came out, so we were both on to outfits #3 for the night. I put him back in the bed and was almost asleep when I heard crying again. I ran to Luke's room to find him completely asleep. I felt confused as I walked back into the hall, until I realized Seth was crying. I ran to his room and almost yelled, "Are you okay? Does your stomach hurt? Run to the bathroom!" He then told me that he was mad at me because I set the PSP on fire and threw it at Luke. I realized he was having a bad dream, and once I determined that he was not sick, I tried to get him to go back to sleep. He told me he was starving, and since I was too, we went downstairs and ate cereal together. At 5:10, I got Seth back into bed and then I went to my bed. I finally fell asleep around 5:30. Seth came into our room at 7 and I could not move. Jesse was working at home this morning, so he took Seth downstairs and I didn't get up until after 9. Luke got up shortly after 9, too.
Luke wasn't interested in eating, but I was able to get him to drink two cups of Sprite. He finally ate a few noodles in chicken broth around 12 and he seemed to feel a lot better after that. I put him down for his nap at 1 and he didn't get up until 6. Then he ate cheese toast. I hope he's all better and we'll all get to sleep well tonight. I really hope Seth doesn't get this.